Cottage Food Laws in Utah [2025 Update]

Overview of Guidance and Ordinances for Cottage Food Laws in Utah
Utah's Cottage Food program permits individuals with a valid Food Handler's Permit to prepare and package shelf-stable foods in their home kitchens, provided there are no accessible pets. These products, properly labeled, can be sold exclusively within Utah, either directly through special orders or via retail outlets operating within the state.
Food Labeling Requirements according to Utah Cottage Food Laws
In Utah, labeling requirements for products align with federal regulations under the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act. The name of the product must be prominently displayed on the principal panel, meeting specific criteria regarding size and visibility. Net quantity statements vary based on the type of product, stipulating requirements for solids, liquids, and other categories, ensuring clear comparison for consumers. Ingredient statements mandate a specific format, listing ingredients by weight, including components of composite ingredients. Moreover, the label must include manufacturer details and adhere to FDA guidelines for nutrition statements, with exemptions for certain food categories like small business-produced items and single-ingredient foods with minimal nutritional value.
Summarized Business Regulations for Cottage Food Laws in Utah
To become a Cottage Food Operation, complete the Application for Cottage Food Establishment by detailing your business plans, including recipes and proposed labels. For prepackaged foods, include life-sized label copies in .pdf format. If your products will be sold by special order or packaged at the point of sale, provide complete ingredient lists formatted like labels for each recipe. Submission of either full labels or detailed ingredient lists is necessary for each product.

Utah Department of Agriculture and Food
This dashboard is provided as an informational resource and is not affiliated with the above department. While we strive to keep our information accurate and up to date, we do not claim to provide official legal advice or representations regarding cottage food laws or any other regulations. Laws and regulations can change frequently, and they can vary significantly by location. We encourage all users to consult their local health department or a legal professional to obtain the most current information and advice specific to their circumstances.